After a couple of years teaching art and design, I am excited to be posting off my confirmation slip to BIAD confirming my place on the MA course in surface design for later this year. now just need to get a part time job and I'm sorted!!! (am celebrating with giant dairymilk and tea!!)good times ;)
Over Easter, after eating a steady flow of eggs continually for some time, I decided to treat myself to an Easter posy of pretty flowers as it's the only thing I knew I wouldn't eat! I enjoyed trying to draw the details using subtle pencil marks and came up with a pattern idea which I have started to develop in a new drawing. Here are a few experiments with colour and repetition. I quite like the repeat not being symettrical...hmmmm....more things to come me thinks...
Playing around with a feather. The pencil drawing took about 5 hours, which resulted in all kinds of cramps, fingers, back, legs etc....drawing tucked up like an origami sculpture on a tiny chair not advisable. I have then photo shopped it and played around with composition/ colours etc. I would improve the overall quality by using the scanner for the drawing. As it was broken I had to use a digital photo which lost some quality. Was fun though!!